Bring the sun into the house
Bringing the sun into the house When the sun hardly shows its face, our soul goes on a roller coaster ride. Life without sun is unthinkable. It increases the general feeling for life, the elasticity and the efficiency. Well dosed, it is an important means of health and beauty care – but everyday life leaves […]
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Plastic surgery – What is meant by it and what is treated
Plastic surgery: what is meant by it? Plastic surgery is a broad surgical subspecialty that, unlike other surgical specialties, is not limited to a single organ system. Therefore, it is a technically demanding and naturally creative field that is constantly changing and reinventing itself.
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Erania – The modern residence for seniors at the Polish Baltic Sea
Aging in the modern senior residence Erania at the Polish Baltic Sea There are many reasons why one should spend his old age at the Polish Baltic Sea. Nowadays Poland is known for many professional retirement homes. Erania has established itself as one of the most modern nursing homes in this respect. Of course, there […]
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Depression and burnout as modern scourges of our time
Burnout and depression as modern scourges If professional or private crises harden and no way out of them can be found, it can lead to mental illnesses such as depression or burnout. In the meantime, burn-out is a modern widespread disease, which makes the life of the affected person truly difficult and tedious. Typical for […]
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Hair loss – What types there are and how they manifest themselves
These types of hair loss exist Hair loss or hair loss can basically occur in all age groups, but it affects mostly men in middle to advanced years. From a health perspective, the loss of hair is not usually a cause for concern, psychologically, however, it can be quite a burden for the affected persons.
Read MoreMassage seminar with your partner to revitalize your relationship
Joint massage seminar for relationship revitalization – does that work? As a relationship grows older, it becomes more and more difficult not to fall into a boring relationship routine. A massage seminar can help. After all, you already know all the stories and not much new happens. People watch TV, keep silent and occasionally argue. […]
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Turmeric – effective spice and medicinal plant for the body
Turmeric – spice or medicinal plant? Turmeric is known by many as a spice. For most people it is on the shelf and is used, for example, with meat dishes. However, not everyone knows that turmeric can also serve as a support for a healthy body. Yet turmeric has been known in Ayurveda and traditional […]
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Tantric massage – an intimate, sensual, vitalizing and spiritual journey
Tantra massage – intimate, sensual and vitalizing It is obvious that a full body massage (especially the tantric massage) – is something quite intimate in and of itself. One exposes oneself. You let yourself be kneaded by people who are usually strangers. You let yourself fall … relax … and enjoy.
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Avocado, the powerhouse – The healthy fruit despite many fats
Avocado – healthy despite many fats The avocado can now be bought everywhere. It is popular, quick to prepare and has a reputation for being healthy. But is it true? Just the many fats make it not necessarily a lightweight. But do not worry – the fats in avocados are healthy fats, so-called “unsaturated fatty […]
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Infused Water – What lies behind the insider tip and trend
What is behind the Infused Water trend?? Most of us are aware of the importance of drinking enough water (z.B. to drink infused water). However, water is not the number one taste carrier. That’s why many people turn to unhealthy and high-calorie drinks. But you can spice up water and give the healthy water a […]
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